Which medicine shall I take on my own, once I am pregnant? CONSULT Dr Shivali Makkar @ Makkar Multi Specialty Hospital +91 9555883399.

No self-medication is allowed in pregnancy especially in the first trimester. It’s always advisable to consult your doctor before taking even vitamins and simple medication for a cough and cold.

At times even the medication for pre-existing diseases needs to be re-evaluated and changed, ask your doctor even about herbal and homeopathy treatment you are taking because most of the herbal medicines have not been proven to be safe during pregnancy.

For Consultation contact Dr Shivali Makkar Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Makkar Multispeciality Hospital located in East Delhi at drshivali@makkarhospital.co.in or CALL +919555883399

Most Safe Medications to Take While Pregnant?

Becoming ill when you're pregnant can be sufficiently terrifying without stressing about in the case of popping pills that may facilitate your indications will hurt your developing infant. "One of the greatest things my pregnant patients fear is ingesting something that may cause birth surrenders or contrarily affect the child's improvement," says Dr. Shivali makkar, M.D., mother of two children and co-creator of The Mommy Docs' Ultimate Guide To Pregnancy and Birth. "In all actuality most prescriptions are really esteemed genuinely alright. While you need to limit sedate use however much as could reasonably be expected, the results of not taking a medicine on the strength of the mother and infant more often than not exceed any potential dangers." To get alleviation and feel more quiet, look at Dr. Shivali Makkar proposals for safe medications to take when you're anticipating.

If you concern about reagarding medication so  Consultation contact Dr Shivali Makkar Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Makkar Multispeciality Hospital located in East Delhi at drshivali@makkarhospital.co.in or CALL +919555883399

1.For Pain

Safe to take: Regular and extra-strength Tylenol (acetaminophen)

Take after the measurements on the bottle for Tylenol and you'll be alright. Different sorts of torment relievers, for example, ibuprofen and naproxen can trigger a lessening in amniotic liquid levels in the third trimester (which implies less padding for child and more weight on its life saver, the umbilical string), says Dr. Shivali Makkar may likewise influence a specific vessel in the infant's heart to close rashly and cause formative issues in later phases of pregnancy.

2.For Constipation

Safe to take: Metamucil, Colace, Citracel, Milk of Magnesia, Dulcolax
In case you're groping somewhat stopped, point the finger at it on a surge in the hormone progesterone that backs off your smooth muscle cells so your solid discharges aren't as customary. Dr. Shivali Makkar gives the green light to take stool conditioners and diuretics, yet in addition have a go at increasing your fiber allow by eating more leafy foods and drinking a lot of liquids..
(Or, then again censure it on your developing uterus for pushing on your digestive organs!).

If you concern about reagarding medication so  Consultation contact Dr Shivali Makkar Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Makkar Multispeciality Hospital located in East Delhi at drshivali@makkarhospital.co.in or CALL +919555883399

3.For Indigestion and Heartburn

Safe to take: Tums, Maalox, Mylanta, Pepcid
Progesterone is grinding away once more, causing indigestion by influencing your smooth muscle cells and unwinding the sphincter between your stomach and throat so corrosive comes up.
(What's more, you're developing uterus is likewise pushing on your stomach to add to the acid reflux.) Before you take a physician recommended med, for example, Prilosec, attempt over-the-counter cures first since they're the slightest solid. Likewise eat littler, more successive suppers and quit noshing a few hours previously you hit the sack.

4.For Infections

Safe to take: Penicillin
In the event that you have a contamination, for example, strep throat or an UTI that calls for anti-infection agents, penicillin is the approach. "There has never been any birth surrenders related with the penicillin family or some other issues connected to mother or infant," says Dr.Shivali Makkar. In any case, the antibiotic medication and doxycycline groups of anti-microbials have been found to cause staining in infants' teeth after the fourth month of pregnancy, in light of the fact that these meds influence the calcification—or the solidifying—of their silvery whites. "It's simply a corrective thing, yet best to maintain a strategic distance from those sorts of anti-microbials," says Dr. Shivali Makkar.

If you concern about reagarding medication so  Consultation contact Dr Shivali Makkar Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Makkar Multispeciality Hospital located in East Delhi at drshivali@makkarhospital.co.in or CALL +919555883399

5.For the Common Cold

Safe to take: Benadryl, Sudafed, Afrin nasal spray, Claratin, Robitussin DM, Vicks Formula 44, Halls cough drops

Basically the majority of the over-the-counter meds for basic icy are believed to be sheltered," says Dr. Shivali Makkar. One thing to remember is that there are a considerable measure of blend meds, for example, Tylenol Cold, that treat different side effects, for example, a runny nose and hack and fever. Yet, in the event that the main icy manifestations you have are a migraine and stuffy nose, for what reason would you take a prescription that additionally treats a hack? "As opposed to taking meds you don't really require, target just the side effects you need to treat by purchasing drugs for each of your particular concerns," says Dr. Shivali Makkar.

Search for the fixing dextromethorphan, or DM, for a hack suppressant; guaifenesin to extricate up bodily fluid; and pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine, or PE, as a decongestant for a stuffy nose.

Please consult with your healthcare provider before taking any medication while pregnant.for Consultation contact Dr Shivali Makkar Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Makkar Multispeciality Hospital located in East Delhi at drshivali@makkarhospital.co.in or CALL +919555883399

6.For the Flu

Safe to take: Tamiflu

Your invulnerable framework isn't as solid when you're pregnant, so seasonal influenza can hit you a mess harder—and even prompt demise in outrageous cases. That is the reason it's so vital to get influenza antibody (request the inactivated influenza immunization so you don't get the live infection). Nonetheless, in the event that you've been presented to as well as tried positive for influenza, specialists say it's critical to take Tamiflu to diminish the side effects and term. "Tamiflu is believed to be alright for pregnant ladies, and the dangers of skipping it are far more noteworthy than taking the meds," says Dr. Shivali Makkar. "That is on the grounds that the child's temperature is continually going to be a degree higher than yours, so in the event that you have a high fever it might cause birth surrenders amid early advancement stages and pre-term work amid later phases of pregnancy."

7.For Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

(such as depression, asthma, seizures, chronic hypertension, and diabetes) Safe to take: It's best to consult your doc if you're on a prescription for a pre-existing health issue, but you'll most likely need to continue taking life-saving meds 
The objective is dependably to give the base measurements important to monitor your manifestations, on the grounds that there might be more serious dangers in case you're influenced by say, asthma or seizures, than by the impacts of taking those meds on the child. "What's more, despite the fact that we don't suggest normal, delayed presentation to uneasiness medications, for example, Zanax, Ativan, and valium since they're addictive substances and the infant could have withdrawal side effects during childbirth, we do endorse them in uncommon events since you need to have a sound, upbeat, working mother keeping in mind the end goal to have a solid pregnancy," says Dr. Shivali Makkar.

Please consult with your healthcare provider before taking any medication while pregnant.for Consultation contact Dr Shivali Makkar Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Makkar Multispeciality Hospital located in East Delhi at drshivali@makkarhospital.co.in or CALL +919555883399


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