" Can I travel with my newborn baby?" CONSULT at Makkar Multi Specialty Hospital +91 9555883399

Your baby can travel soon after birth. Most airlines prefer babies to be at least two days old, but after that, it’s up to you. Young babies make good travelers if they feel cuddled and secure and are fed regularly. 
The movement and activity often help them sleep, too! By three months, the baby is more likely to be ready to travel. If you are flying, a front carrier or baby sling is an ideal way to transport your baby. Being carried close to the mother or father will make baby feel safe. Baby carriers also make traveling much easier on trains and buses. 
If your baby is very young, a travel system with a car seat that fits on to the pushchair chassis may be the best option. In this situation, a lightweight, umbrella-folding pushchair is a useful alternative.

 For Consultation contact drShivali@makkarhospital.co.in or CALL +919555883399 for consultation on Neonatal care at Makkar Hospital. 

Is it dangerous to expose a newborn baby to international travelers

Generally, pediatricians advise mothers not to travel with a newborn during the first month. The main reasons for this precaution are that mom needs the postpartum rest and baby needs a stable environment to adjust to life after birth. However, it sounds as if you do need to travel, and your 2-week-old should certainly not be separated from you just yet. Assuming your baby is full-term and healthy. 


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