Best Hospital In East Delhi | Makkar Multispeciality Hospital

Best Hospital In East Delhi | Makkar Multispeciality Hospital

Best Hospital In East Delhi | Makkar Multispeciality Hospital

We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as Makkar MultispecialtyHospital a 65 bedded hi-tech hospital having state of art infrastructure providing best multi-specialty facilities in the region on private panels. Our main aim as prominent health care providers is to provide the comprehensive and best care to our patients.

Makkar Multi Speciality Hospital is one of the reliable pinnacle names in medication and healthcare; that is situated in the heart of East Delhi. Best Hospital In East Delhi We have accommodating strength of 50 bedded multi-specialty facility. We intricately understand the very need and delicacies of the healthcare and medication service. Keeping all mandatory requisite service of healthcare in mind, we provide feasibly qualitative service of healthcare excellence in all execution of sophisticated dealing.

We offer our patient. 24 hrs round the clock emergency services, being managed by well qualified and experienced ACLS trained Doctors& Nursing staff. Casualty is fully equipped with multipara monitors, defibrillators, crash-cart, and other latest resuscitation equipment. ICU, NICU, PICU, HDU at MMC is one of the best and well-equipped ICU, NICU, PICU, and HDU.

It is equipped with all modern gadgets like ventilators, defibrillators, Multipara Monitors, Central Oxygen and Suction, etc. for round the clock patient management. ICU, NICU, PICU, HDU is being managed by a team of intensivists round the clock to cater all high-risk patients. Our ICU, NICU, PICU, HDU is ventilated, AHU to control the infection. 

We have two major (Modular OT) state of the art operation theatres with all modern types of equipment like touch fewer doors, laminar flow, AHU, completely electrical driven hydraulic OT table, shadowless OT lights. Best Hospital In East Delhi Central oxygen supplies the latest anesthesia station. We can accommodate all types of surgery from tonsillectomy up to hip replacements, Knee with excellent inpatient facilities and care to your patients.

Best Hospital In East Delhi | Makkar Multispeciality Hospital

We want to serve medical facilities with the help of your organization staff. We hope that the correspondence that we have initiated gets a favorable response from your end.

Scope of services

Super Specialty Services

·         Non-Invasive Cardiology
·         Non-Invasive Neurology
·         Non-Invasive Gastroenteritis
·         Non-Invasive Nephrology.


·         Pediatric
·         Obs. & Gynecology
·         Medicine
·         Surgery
·         Orthopedics
·         ENT
·         Eye
·         Plastic Surgery
·         Cosmetic surgery
·         Pediatric Surgery
·         Endocrinology
·         Gastroenterology
·         Neurology
·         Nephrology
·         Dermatology
·         Anesthesia
·         Cardiology
·         Urology

·         Psychiatry
·         Chest Physician
·         Paed. Nephrology
·         Physiotherapy
·         Pathology
·         Radiology 
·         Dialysis unit

   Our Core Specialty

1.       Laparoscopic Surgery –
2.        Obstetric & Gyane Surgery –
3.       Orthopedic Surgery -
4.       Pediatric Surgery –
5.       Plastic Surgery -
·         Multi-Specialty 50 Bedded hospital – Private rooms, Semi-Private rooms & General ward, etc.

·         Emergency, ECG, X-ray, Laboratory (computerized), Ultrasound, EEG, Medical store (in-house) & canteen facility available 24hr.

·         Fully Equipped Modular Operation theaters (minor & major) with pulse oxymeter, C-Arm machine.

·         ICU/NICU/PICU/HDU with Cardiac Monitor, Defibrillator, BIPAP, and CPAP ventilator.

·         Nursery fully equipped with Double surface Phototherapy, Single Surface Phototherapy, Incubator, Radiant heat warmer, CPAP Ventilator.

·         Physiotherapy

·         Dental Surgery
Separate OPD for all departments with all non-invasive diagnostic services.

OPD open from Morning 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and Evening 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Contact us at +91 9555883399

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