Best Pediatric Surgery in Delhi

Best Pediatric Surgery in Delhi

Pediatric medical procedure strategy is a subspecialty of restorative methodology including the therapeutic system of developing lives, infant youngsters, children, adolescents, and energetic adults.

Pediatric medical procedure strategy is a sub specialty of medicinal technique identifying with patients reaching out from new-borns to 18 years of age. It goes with its own specific troubles that different it from various medicinal methodology.

Notwithstanding whether it is the little size of newborn children and children to be worked or dealing with their responses to illness or restorative methodology, each piece of Pediatric Surgery needs exceptional thought. Thus, there is a method of reasoning for a committed division for Pediatric Surgery.

Dr Ashish Makkar Chief of Surgery in the Makkar Multispeciality Hospital, 1999– 2018) and moreover Sr Consultant New Born Child Adolescent Specialist. He moreover is an energetic and dynamic best Pediatric Surgery in Delhi

The Division of Pediatric and juvenile Surgery offers exhaustive pediatric watchful care from newborn child age till 16 years. Youths, especially indulges, demonstrate extraordinary challenges in restorative strategy because of their little size and their responses to malady and therapeutic technique. Our pediatric experts give exchange and broad inpatient and outpatient cautious care.

Division Highlights:

  • Day mind medical procedure 
  • ICU checking and organization 
  • Complex anesthesia furnished to young systems and physiology 
  • Minor techniques under mindful sedation 
  • Pediatric Radiology 
Have a look Specialist Makkarmultispeciality hospital

Pediatric medical procedure is a union of innovative brilliance, restorative aptitude and cooperation among various divisions to convey the most ideal results. We offer a full scope of administrations to our pediatric patients, working intimately with our accomplished Pediatric intensivists.

Administrations and Treatments Offered: 

Pediatric Laparoscopy Today, insignificantly prominent medicinal technique has moreover progressed in pediatric age gathering. Various for the most part performed pediatric medical procedure should now be conceivable laparoscopicaly like restorative system for pedicatric hernia, undescended testis, dull stomach torment, a cracked index, thoracic wounds and pediatric urology.

Urological Anomalies: Phimosis, undescended testis, PUJ block, PU Valves, vesicoureteric reflux, ectopic and dysplastic kidney, hypospadias, epispadias.

Neonatal Anomalies: Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), intestinal atresia, Nectrotising enterocolitis, imperforate rear-end, stomach divider absconds like exomphalos, gastroschisis, malrotation, stomach growths and thoracic abnormalities.

GI Problems: Intestinal block, an infected appendix, Hirschprung's malady, pyloric stenosis, splenectomy for spleen pathology, gastroesophageal reflux, stomach growths, clogging.

Hepatobiliary Disorders: Choledochal development, biliary atresia, chafe stones, liver tumors et cetera.

Thoracic: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, diaphragmatic eventration, mediastinal developments and tumors, bronchogenic pimples, extended lymph centers, aspiratory sequestration, cystic adenomatoid twisting (CAM), lobar emphysema, empyema, pneumothorax, chylothorax, esophageal duplication bruises, tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), natural and secured strictures of the throat, esophageal outside bodies, esophageal burst and puncturing.

» Hernia and Hydrocele

» Urinary and fecal incontinence

» Ambiguous genitalia amiable to medical procedure

» Childhood tumors like wilms tumor, neuroblatoma and so forth

» Soft tissue cervical, truncal and appendage vascular tumors like hemangioma and lymphangioma

» Meningomyelocele, hydrocephalus

» Pediatric Trauma and Burn

Make an Appointment With Dr Ashish Makkar


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