How to prevent Constipation? +91 9555883399.

Most top 7 ways to relieve constipation?

 Constipation is very common.

If you want more Information about Most top 7 ways to relieve of Constipation Immediate Book Appointment Dr. Parul Khurana at Makkar Multi Specialty Hospital in East Delhi +91 9555883399.

Almost everyone is familiar with the signs: abdominal bloating; straining; lumpy, hard stools.

Common causes and your best cures

  • As well, certain medications can cause constipation, says Battistella. Drugs that may slow down your bowels are antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs] such as paroxetine), antipsychotics, certain antihypertensives, anti-Parkinson’s medications and, most commonly, opioids such as morphine, Percocet, and Tylenol with codeine. Supplements such as calcium and iron can also cause constipation. 
  • Constipation is often caused by lifestyle factors such as not eating enough fiber, not drinking enough fluids and not exercising regularly, as well as mental health issues such as stress, depression, and anxiety. Here’s what you can do to get things moving:. Genetics are also thought to play a role, albeit a minor one.

1. Eat more fiber

  • (Example: One cup [250 mL] of Raisin Bran, two slices of whole-grain bread, a half-cup [125 mL] of raspberries, one cup of cooked adzuki beans and an apple would add up to more than 34 grams of fiber.) Yet, Marshall adds, ‘Canadians average five to 10 grams per day.’
  • Foods with lots of fiber include cereals such as wheat germ and bran, whole-wheat and rye flours, grainy bread, fresh fruit (especially berries), dried fruits such as prunes and figs, vegetables, and legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans. Increase fiber intake gradually to avoid getting gas or diarrhea, or worsening constipation. It is recommended you have 25 to 50 grams of fiber a day,’ says Marshall.

2. Exercise regularly

Aim to be physically active at least three times a week for 30 minutes or more, says Battistella. It also decreases the amount of time needed for food to move through your intestines, so stools stay moist.
. Physical activity stimulates your intestinal muscles to work more efficiently.

3. Drink lots of water

Battistella recommends eight glasses of water a day. Water lubricates the intestines and also moistens the food you eat, aiding its flow through your body.

If you are facing the constipation problem consult a Best Internal physician in East Delhi +91 9555883399.

4.Lose the stress

‘Psychological stress has a huge effect on bowel function,’ says Marshall. People who are stressed are less likely to exercise and eat nutritious foods. When the brain is under stress, the bowel is, too. The brain and bowel are highly interconnected.’ Bowel movements depend on intricate signaling between the gut and the brain. 4. ‘We say the bowel is the little brain of the human body.

5.Stick with a regular routine

Bowel movements occur according to the body’s internal ‘clock.’ When you ignore the urge to go to the bathroom, there’s more time for water to be extracted from the stools into the body, making them harder to pass. (One idea: Give yourself enough time to make bowel movements part of your morning at-home routine.)

If you do not understand the ways to relieve constipation Contact the best internal physician in East Delhi + 91 9555883399.

6. If necessary, use laxatives, but don’t overdo them

  • Stool softeners, such as Colace, Surfak, and Soflax, make them easier to pass. Suppositories may also help, but they only clear out the end of the colon. ‘Fix your lifestyle first,’ advises Battistella. At-home enemas can be used in cases of acute constipation. (Take them with a lot of water.) Osmotic laxatives, such as Laxilose, help fluids to flow and stimulate muscles that aid in digestion.
  •  For occasional help, there are several laxatives to choose from: Bulk-forming laxatives, such as Metamucil or Prodiem, increase water content and bulk up the volume of the stool so it moves through your bowel faster. Saline laxatives, such as milk of magnesia, draw water into the colon so the stool passes more quickly. 
  • Stimulant laxatives, such as Dulcolax and Ex-lax, cause muscle contractions in the intestines that are needed to get things moving and should be used sparingly. Ask your pharmacist which laxative is best for you. But overuse can make the bowel lazy. 
  • Most over-the-counter products are safe to use, as long as you follow package directions.

7. Be prepared for travel

  • For some people, when they’re on the go, it’s hard to, well, go. ‘And all those are compromised when you travel.’ He suggests drinking lots of water and, when eating out, choosing menu items with fruit and vegetables in them. And take your running shoes with you, so you can be sure to get that crucial exercise.
  • Don’t miss out! Sign up for our free weekly newsletters and get nutritious recipes, healthy weight-loss tips, easy ways to stay in shape and all the health news you need, delivered straight to your inbox. ‘I tell people ‘fibre, fluid, and exercise,”’ says Marshall. Pack high-fiber foods such as granola bars.

If you are not satisfied immediate consult at Best Internal Physician in East Delhi +91 9555883399.


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