Which issues comes under the high risk pregnancy?CONSULT at makkar multispecialty hospital +91 9555883399.

At Makkar MultiSpeciality Hospital, our motto is to guarantee that the mother and child are introduced to the best medical expertise and healthcare infrastructure followed by tender care. The Department of ObstetricianFor High-Risk Pregnancy at Makkar Multi Speciality Hospital is unique in its style, providing the mother, patient caretakers and the neonates a holistic environment specialized for delivering your bundle of joy. Makkar Multi Speciality Hospital strongly supports normal deliveries and ensures that every medical decision is well educated. The obstetrics department consists of the best obstetricians in Delhi, headed by Dr. Shiwali Makkar in Priyadarshini Vihar, Nearby V3S Mall who are skilled in performing complex high-risk pregnancy deliveries, preterm and precious deliveries. Makkar Multi Speciality is well equipped with the state of the art infrastructure – LDR Suites, Proficient Maternity Care, fully equipped modular operation theaters, ICU and NICU(Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) facilities.
A preterm delivery means a premature birth or a birth that takes place more than three weeks before the original due date because of any reason.

Risk Factors

The reasons behind a preterm delivery are not clear, but some factors may increase the risk of preterm delivery.
These are:
1. If you have a prior history of premature birth, Twins, triplets or other multiples,
2. If you have less than six-month interval between pregnancies, Vitro fertilization, Uterus, cervix or placenta problems,
3. If you are addicted to cigarettes or illicit drugs,
4. If you have poor nutrition,
5. IF you have lack of enough weight gain during pregnancy, Infections, Chronic conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes.
6. If you are underweight or overweight before the pregnancy,
7. If you have stressful life events or Previous miscarriages or abortions, Trauma or injury
you may suffer through a high risk. Obstetrician For High-Risk Pregnancy at Makkar Multi Speciality Hospital takes care of the both mother and child in the beat way with all the care and support.

Symptoms of Obstetrician For High-Risk Pregnancy

Preterm is a premature delivery case. A preterm delivery gives the baby a little less time to grow in the womb, which may lead to complications further down the road. The cutting short of a baby’s development period can be seen in the following signs:
1. Small size and a disproportionately large head
2. Less rounded features due to a lack of fat stores
3. Fine hair covering most of the body
4. Low body temperature
5. Labored breathing
6. Respiratory distress
7. Lack of reflexes for sucking and swallowing

Complications of Obstetrician For High-Risk Pregnancy

Not all preterm babies face complications, while some do.

Short-term Complications which newborn may face:

In the case of Premature Delivery :

In the initial weeks:
1. Breathing problems
2. Brain problems
3. Heart problem
4. Gastrointestinal problems
4. Temperature control problems
5. Blood problems
6. Metabolism problems
7. Immune system problems


Issues that may develop later can include:
1. Cerebral palsy
2. Impaired cognitive skills
3. Vision problems
4. Hearing problems
5. Dental issues
6. Behavioral and psychological problems
7. Chronic health issues

Benefits of choosing Obstetrician For High-Risk Pregnancy at Makkar Multi Speciality Hospital

  1. The Obstetrician For High-Risk Pregnancy at Makkar Multi Speciality Hospital has doctors of national and international repute to contribute medical expertise in complicated and high-risk cases.
  2. The hospital has numerous success stories and cherished deliveries to their assets.
  3. Equipped with modular operation theaters and proficient LDR suites, the experts make sure that the best medical care is addressed to make your new beginnings more blissful.
  4. Makkar MultiSpeciality Hospital is equipped with high-level 4D Ultrasound, Fetal Medicine, Assisted Reproductive Medicine and state of the art Laboratory Medicine.
  5. To deliver extraordinary care, the department also has a team of experienced anesthetists for normal and cesarean deliveries.
  6. Makkar MultiSpeciality Hospital is also equipped with 24 hours blood bank support.
  7. Here can be disorders or complications that occur during pregnancies.
Sometimes there are medical situations which pose high risks to pregnancy. Such conditions can either be per-existing that is within the mother or can turn up while pregnant. These risks can endanger the life of the mom or her child or both or lead to health difficulties in the baby.

Conditions which can lead to high-risk pregnancies :

Certain disorders like nausea are common to all pregnancies, but there are specific factors that can lead to high-risk pregnancies.These factors are

Health conditions

The existence of certain chronic health conditions can pose a risk to pregnancy,
like –
  • Diabetes – Increases the risk of miscarriage and birth defects
  • High blood pressure – Can cause preeclampsia
  • Autoimmune disease– diseases like lupus can cause heart and kidney problems in both mother and baby, low birth weight.
  • Thyroid – can lead to heart failure and birth defects in the fetus.
  • Obesity–causes Precambrian, gestational diabetes
  • HIV and AIDS – transmission of these ailments from mother to baby
  • Anemia– It can cause preterm birth and can even get transmitted to the fetus.
  •  Lifestyle choices

    Unhealthy lifestyle choices can increase complications during pregnancy.
    1. Avoid Smoking, Liquor intake, Drugs, during pregnancy
    2. Age- High-Risk Pregnancy also occur due to age factor can occur if the expectant woman is Below 17 years of age – can develop high BP, anemia.
    3. Above 35 years of age – results in issues like prolonged labor, delivery complications

    Conditions that occur during pregnancy :

    Multiple pregnancies–Infants born could be premature or have health issues, Rh incompatibility–Destruction of the baby’s R.B.C.s

    What can be done to resolve the issues?

    1. Consulting a healthcare expert and taking proper diet
    2. Avoiding risk causing habits, and going for prenatal care can reduce or eliminate the risks.
    Dr. Shiwali Makkar is treating patients of Obstetrician and Gynecological disorders at Makkar MultiSpeciality Hospital for many years. She has expertise in treating any complications while child delivery. Also, Multiple facilities like NICU&ICU is available at the hospital, in case of any emergency for the safety of newborn and mother. Book instant Appointment Online, Consult Online drshivali@makkarhospital.co.in Else contact: +919555883399 – for an appointment. Also, you can visit Makkar Multispeciality hospital at A-1,2 Priyadarshini Vihar, East Delhi (Near V3S Mall) Laxmi Nagar 110092. Get the best care for your new born at Makkar Multi Speciality Hospital.


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