Can A Gynecologist Tell If A Woman Is Pregnant By A Pelvic Exam? | Makkar Hospital

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Besides from the outward detectable signs like the darker line to your navel and darker nipples, heavier breasts, standing more in lordosis with the pelvis tilted more forward, on the pelvic exam the cervix would be softer, one would feel the uterine arteries pulsating and the womb being enlarged. Best hospital In East Delhi
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Yes. Size of the uterus at 12 weeks is quite easily palpable by bi-manual examination. But your tests are coming up to be negative(bHCG) and thus removing the doubt of pregnancy despite not having your menses. Best hospital In East Delhi

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Best hospital In East Delhi If your Dr didn't get any urine strip testing or blood sampling for the specific hormone of pregnancy(HCG), well, he could have gone through medical imaging like ultrasonography... but all this is costly when we want to help you out as soon as possible and is also cost-efficient. 

I know in some countries, they'd ask for an ultrasound to confirm that there no pregnancy despite having negative tests as mentioned above. I personally believe your Dr was/is very professional
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At the very least, a gynecologist can pick up probable signs of pregnancy at his time. Usually, by this point, the cervix and the top of the uterus will be soft, and the cervix often has a deep purple or bluish tinge due to increased blood flow. Best hospital In East Delhi
As the PP stated, you would likely be able to feel the top of the uterus just above the pubic symphysis (where your pubic hair is).
If you still believe that you are likely pregnant I encourage you to get a second opinion and an ultrasound.
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